How to buy or sell innovation services (vol II)

Having real and honest conversations between Buyers and Sellers of innovation services is mandatory and not nice to have. These interactions must start from the basics of where we currently stand and where we want to be in the future. Both buyers and sellers need to get quicker and more efficient at engaging with each other, better understanding each other’s …

How to buy or sell innovation services

One of the key problems of corporate innovation is that, despite all the information floating over the web and the products and services available, no one actually teaches you, the corporate buyer, how to buy these products or services or how to collaborate with innovation providers. Practically this means, that an organization has to learn lessons the hard way by …

Hiring your first Product Manager?

Back in 2018, I was writing about the necessity of the Product Manager role in startup tech companies around the world and introduced seven key virtues this person must/ should have.  Two years later, picking up on the subject and the relevant discussion, I’m trying to answer the key questions about when, why, what and who, concerning the first hire …

How to choose the right mentor for your startup?

I’ve been working with startups since 2013, in a variety of settings, industry verticals, life stages and countries across Europe, and I’d like to share a few tips that I’ve picked up on the way. Having the right mentor in your corner can seriously help when it comes to developing the right product features, battling your competitors, winning a critical …

Pricing Strategies for Enterprise Software Products

Product pricing is more of an art than a science especially in enterprise software. The most prevalent strategies are Competitive Pricing and Value-Based Pricing, together with a variety of different packaging options and other factors that enable product owners to arrive at the different price points. Competitive Pricing When developing a new enterprise software product into an existing category, it …

The difference between Making it or Breaking it in B2B sales

There are several types of customers and every one of them requires a different approach and will  respond to a different type of messaging and different communication channel. This situation affects your sales processes. The End-user Typically, an individual who will be using our product or service is called an End-User.  That is, because they are the final recipients of …

To Start or Not to Start, this is the question?

In the post Covid-19 lockdown era trust is the new currency and an emerging value in all facets of life and H2H relationships and communications. Given that WFH sometimes causes stress to the individual due to uncertainty, a lack of boundaries (both in time and space) and the added stress of adapting to working from home. This trust between companies …

Startup Companies leadership structures evolve through life-cycle stages

The Startup Phase When companies are just starting up, two or three founders typically perform multiple jobs. If they are lucky enough to have personal capital or some form of financial support from friends and family (FFF), a team of 5-10 individuals may come together to build an innovative product or service. Startups that cross from idea to early revenue …

Fundraising 201- in the middle of a Global Pandemic

This is a follow-up from our August 2019 blog post on Fundraising Strategy 101, where we introduced a step-by-step winning strategy for fundraising for a tech startup, across the following principles of: Unbelievable preparation for the fundraising process. Unwavering belief in your product, team & up-to-date achievements. Unrelenting persistence in achieving the goal of landing a term sheet. And focusing …

What matters is Winning.

“Great organizations whether companies, not-for-profits, political organizations, agencies, choose to win rather than simply play.”   This post was inspired by the book Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works, by A.G. Lafley and Roger L. Martin and countless hours of discussions, mentoring sessions and personal experiences with startup founders and Corporate executives where the same questions seem to appear …